So often we go through our days, weeks and years pushing through to get everything done. To get everything right. We learn from a very early age that there are correct ways to do things and wrong ways. It seems at work there is always a faster, better way to get something accomplished. When we are in the midst of our to-do lists, our calendar books, and our business plans, we forget that we do not need to do it all on our own. This week’s Soul Boost is a reminder to pay attention to and reach out to your inner and outer guides. Take time to pause and listen for what your guides are showing you.
Your inner guides include your spiritual teachers, God, angels, ancestors, and spirit animals. Your spiritual or religious traditions may offer you different or additional inner guides. Inner guides include meditation, intuition, instincts, mindfulness and prayer. Finally, inner guides include your body. It is important to listen to what your body is telling you to help bring balance and success to your life. When you are overtired, everything seems harder than it is. When you are overwhelmed, it can feel like you’re on your own. Likewise, your outer guides include the people around you. Are you hearing from others that you need to take a break. Can you get advice from a friend over coffee? Can you reach out to a mentor? Even your overcrowded calendar can be a guide when it’s hard to find time to schedule an overdue doctor’s appointment.
Remember, you’re not alone. You have guides that can point you in the right direction and offer support.